My cleaning has been sporadic these last few days. I think I have ADD. Of course, it could be that I don't have a place for everything that I have. You know..."a place for everything and everything in it's place". This old hutch has scratches and dings, but it's one thing I remember from my grandma's house. It probably was never an expensive piece and sometimes I think of painting it.
Anyway, the latest theme for my hutch has been the blue stuff. Soon it will be time to put out the Christmas dishes.
I used to have a whole set of those same blue dishes. I got tired of moving them, so they found a new home. Perhaps, yours.
Don't paint the hutch: allow it to proudly show its dings. It illustrates the plaque hanging on the wall very well.
Congratulations you won!! Email me your address at so I can send you the goodies.
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