Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Splash of Color

While walking with the dog, I notice this little spot of color.

Could it be some trash that caught in the weeds? Could it be someone's parachute from their fireworks?

Oh, maybe some hollyhocks migrated from the compost pit.

The strangest things grow over there. A few years ago I found some volunteer pumpkins. They must have crossed with a gourd. The skins were bumpy so the jack-0-lanterns looked like they had warts. They were difficult to carve as the skins were quite thick and hard.


Anonymous said...

Aren't they pretty and how unexpected! Hope you have a great day Mary.

Aunt Dinah said...

What fun to find these beautiful flowers in such an unexpected place. Hollyhocks always make me think of my mom. I didn't care for hollyhocks when I was a kid, but now I love them for their beauty and their old-fashioned charm and their reminder of my mom.

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant subiectul prezentat de tine.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place tare mult
Sigur am sa mai revin. O zi buna!

Nancy said...

It is fun to discover the unexpected. :o)

Far Side of Fifty said...

I can't grow them at all, which is such a dissapointment for me.. cause I love them. My Mom and my Aunt grow them well enough for my photo needs, I have given up. And now they are growing in a really hard area so wild and free, I am very jealous, lucky you!! :)